Dining 4 Change

Launched in January 2018, Dining 4 Change allows us to align or brand with local businesses who share similar philosophies on service and community building. This program provides us the opportunity to connect with local businesses, expand awareness of our mission, raise funds for the organization, and build upon our existing network in Northeast Florida. 

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Kathryn Thomas
Healing Through Yoga - Survivors of Complex Trauma And PTSD

PTSD may develop after someone experiences a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. If you have PTSD, your ability to regulate the central nervous system is off. Breathing is a regulatory tool and a major part of yoga practices. It is a natural way to self-regulate and calm down without medication. It regulates the central nervous system by quieting the sympathetic nervous system (fight-or-flight) and engaging the parasympathetic nervous system (rest-and-digest).

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Kathryn Thomas
Abdominal Breathing

Most of us probably don’t put a lot of focus on our breathing unless we stop to do so.  We can tend to breath more into the upper cavity of our lungs, maybe seeing more movement happening in our shoulders and chest. This breathing exercise mainly focuses on the movement of the belly pressing out and drawing in.

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Kathryn Thomas
Building Yourself Up Through Yoga, Posture by Posture

I come off as a strong woman and a person who is put together. Many may be surprised to learn that I have PTSD stemming from rape and physical abuse. Yoga helps me deal with my triggers, memories, anxieties, and shame. How I present myself to others is largely possible because of what I've learned about myself through practicing yoga. 

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Kathryn Thomas
Meet Our Board: 10 Questions with Patti Peeples

Dr. Patti Peeples is a health economist, researcher, and pharmacist with 30 years of experience in healthcare. Yoga 4 Change’s mission and Dr. Peeple's professional focus intersect at two words: “improved outcomes.”  We asked Dr. Peeples 10 questions related to Yoga 4 Change, the organization's impact in the community, and her role as a member of its Board of Directors. 

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Kathryn Thomas
How Does Chronic Stress Impact Your Health and Happiness

We have a tendency to wear our busyness like a badge of honor. We boast about the craziness of our schedules and we even advertise how little sleep we get or the fact that we haven’t taken a vacation in years.  Ingrained in our culture and work habits is the idea that stress and success are intertwined.  We seem to think that the more stress we experience the more successful we will be. But, how does chronic stress impact your health and happiness?

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Kathryn Thomas
Seated Sun Salutations, Part Two

Sun Salutations, or surya namaska, are a great way to energize your body as you stretch and strengthen your muscle groups.  In this video, Yoga 4 Change instructor Angela Centers demonstrates some additional postures that build upon what was demonstrated in the first Seated Sun Salutations video. 

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Kathryn Thomas