Yoga 4 Change Takes Wellness from the Studio to the Classroom

For children vulnerable to poorer health and diminished achievement because of poverty, unsafe homes, and inadequate adult guidance or supervision, Yoga 4 Change represents an opportunity to find inner strength. Our programming gives students the tools to master their breathing, calm mind and body, and shift focus away from the other stressors in their lives. 

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Kathryn Thomas
Variations of Chair and Crescent Lunge

In this instructional video, Angela, Yoga 4 Change's Program Director, demonstrates Chair (Utkatasana) and Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana). These poses create flexible strength. They promote stability in your legs and torso while also toning your lower body. Additionally, these poses can stretch your chest, lungs, shoulders, arm, neck, and back.

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Kathryn Thomas
Dining 4 Change

Launched in January 2018, Dining 4 Change allows us to align or brand with local businesses who share similar philosophies on service and community building. This program provides us the opportunity to connect with local businesses, expand awareness of our mission, raise funds for the organization, and build upon our existing network in Northeast Florida. 

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Kathryn Thomas
Healing Through Yoga - Survivors of Complex Trauma And PTSD

PTSD may develop after someone experiences a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. If you have PTSD, your ability to regulate the central nervous system is off. Breathing is a regulatory tool and a major part of yoga practices. It is a natural way to self-regulate and calm down without medication. It regulates the central nervous system by quieting the sympathetic nervous system (fight-or-flight) and engaging the parasympathetic nervous system (rest-and-digest).

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Kathryn Thomas
Abdominal Breathing

Most of us probably don’t put a lot of focus on our breathing unless we stop to do so.  We can tend to breath more into the upper cavity of our lungs, maybe seeing more movement happening in our shoulders and chest. This breathing exercise mainly focuses on the movement of the belly pressing out and drawing in.

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Kathryn Thomas